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City Center Bridge

Lorem ipsum dosectetur adipisicing elit, sed do.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Nulla fringilla purus at leo dignissim congue. Mauris elementum accumsan leo vel tempor.
The rational mind and modern science are wonderful gifts that we have been given, and
The essence of awareness and of Wisdom is developing the capacity to be present to
On September 16, 2017, Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters converged at the National Mall
What if you are living someone else’s life, someone else’s story? Someone else’s WAR. Only
This routine ensures that the thoughts running through my head are typically the ones I


Beginning from the mid-1990s, Dr. Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing.

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China: Big Brother, Brave New World or Harmonious Society?

ACADEMIC ARTICLE: In this paper I examine three textual mythologies regarding China’s evolving present. These are an Orwellian world of covert and overt state control; a Brave New World dystopia where the spirit of the people is subsumed in hedonistic distractions; and finally I assess the progress towards the official

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Not Knowing and the Expert

SCIENCE/SKEPTICISM. I originally found this video on blogger Jime’s Subversive Thinking blog ( It’s a video of biologist Richard Dawkins engaging in open debate about the origins of the universe. And what could be more important in regard to the foundations of our knowledge than the question: “How did the

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